Painting Exhibition by Jamal Ahmed | Kanak Chanpa Chakma

In the alluvial plains of Bangladesh, three mighty rivers come down from the Himalayas and the confluence forms a delta plain with lush green vegetation, criscrossed by smaller rivers. Here, nature is mellow and here poets, bards and artists flourished since history began. East of the country there are rolling hills that form a natural barrier between south and south east Asia. These hills have indigenous groups people with unique culture and tradition. Here also, music, poetry and artworks have flourished over hundreds of years, protected by the terrain.
One such artist is Jamal Ahmed. Jamal’s paintings are about the people whose lives weave around the rivers. Some live on the river, some on its banks. They draw their sustenance from the river, their livelihood depending on what it provides generously. They catch fish in the rivers, swim and bathe in the rivers and go place in their boats. He has captured images from their lives in acrylic on canvas, which he uses in his own way. He also paints nature in birds and animals. Pigeons are his favorite. His subject also includes people in the street, teashops and even someone with an interesting face. His landscapes have also drawn accolades from far corners of the world. He has won the second highest civil award of the country for his contribution to art.

Another such artist is Kanak Chanpa Chakma, raised in the highlands of southeast Bangladesh. She belongs to Chakma ethnic community. Her paintings are unique in nature as she draws inspiration from her ethnic background. She uses vibrant colors in semi-abstract form to portray the untold stories of this indigenous people particularly women, who are often deprived of their rights. Her paintings tell the tales of their everyday lives-sorrow and struggles as well as depict the colorful festivals, rituals, clothing and jewelry. They also display the undulating green hills and magnificent blue water of the lake.. Her paintings also highlight the teachings of Buddha through shimmering images of Buddhist temples as well as Buddha himself. She works mostly in acrylic, oil, charcoal and mixed media. Away from work, she supports the welfare of the autistic children and provides help for abandoned street animals.

Curated by Sultan M. Mineuddin

October 15-30, 2022
Gandhi Memorial Center

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